.:KeNaLaN MaYA BoNDa:.

JoM TuKa LiNk di SINIE

Monday, April 9, 2007

HaLf Dayz Again..

Aku half day arinie.. lepas lunch baru masuk opis.. aku dah mula buat pregnancy monthly checkup.. sampai sana kul 9.00 pg tunggu punya tunggu kul 11.10 pg baru selesai segalanya.. tupon Ketua Jururawat yg jalankan prosedur atas aku.. lega.. sumer dia yg buat.. she's nice.. tak lokek nasihat dan ramah... Ada aku tanyakan pasal tangan aku yang selalu terketar².. pedih ulu hati.. yg aku hadapi sedari belum mendirikan rumahtangga lagi.. biler diingat² rasanya dari kecik.. aku igt lagi.. masa sek. ren. time olahraga.. aku kerap juga jadik macam nie.. biler ulu hati aku pedih.. aku terpakser duduk dan berehat 30 min ker 1 jam.. baru pedih & sesak tu akan hilang.. sintom lain yg aku raser badan jadik seram² sejuk.. berpeluh... menguap berkali² dan pandangan aku jadik kabur.. aku mmg rasa nak pengsan.. Ketua Jururawat tu kata.. aku nie Hypo kot.. walau dia hanya menyebut separuh perkataan tapi aku tau apa yg dia maksudkan ialah Hypoglycemia (penyakit berkaitan kekurangan gula dlm darah dan insulin yg dihasilkan terlalu berlebihan) Aku tau sumer nie.. dan lebih yakin lagi bila menghadiri Kursus Pertolongan Cemas aritu.. Penceramah kitorang ada menerangkan beberapa jenis penyakit yg selalu didepani.. dan salah satu darinya ialah penyakit ini... Katanya Hyperglycemia (penyakit lebih gula dlm darah atau kencing manis atau diabetis) krg bahaya kalau nak dibandingkan dgn Hypo.. Sebab penderita hypo boleh berhadapan dgn kematian mendadak disebabkan kadar gula yg jatuh terlalu rendah... cara paling mudah utk memulihkan kembali pesakit Hypo ialah dgn mengunyah gula²... thats y aku selau spare gula² dlm beg aku...

Nie serba sedikit maklumat berkenaan Hypoglycemia yg aku search kat Internet...

Hypoglycemia is a condition characterized by an abnormally low level of blood sugar (glucose), your body's main energy source.

Hypoglycemia is commonly associated with diabetes. However, a wide variety of conditions, many of them rare, can cause low blood sugar in people without diabetes. Like fever, hypoglycemia isn't a disease itself, it's an indicator of a health problem.

In people who don't have diabetes, some underlying causes of hypoglycemia include: certain medications; alcohol; certain cancers; critical illnesses such as kidney, liver or heart failure; hormonal deficiencies; and disorders that result in your body producing too much insulin. Insulin is the hormone secreted by your pancreas that regulates your level of blood sugar.

Treatment of hypoglycemia involves short-term steps to get your blood sugar level back into a normal range and long-term steps by your doctor to identify and treat the underlying cause of hypoglycemia.

Signs and symptoms
Your brain needs a steady supply of glucose, for it neither stores nor manufactures its own energy supply. Hypoglycemia can have these effects on your brain:

-Confusion, abnormal behavior or both, such as the inability to complete routine tasks
-Visual disturbances, such as double vision and blurred vision
-Seizures, uncommonly
-Loss of consciousness, uncommonly

Hypoglycemia may also cause these other signs and symptoms:

-Heart palpitations

These signs and symptoms aren't specific to hypoglycemia. There may be other causes. The only way to know for sure that hypoglycemia is the cause is by having your blood sugar level measured.


Normal metabolism
During digestion, your body breaks down carbohydrates from foods such as bread, rice, pasta, vegetables, fruit and milk products, into various sugar molecules. One of these sugar molecules is glucose, the main energy source for your body. Glucose is absorbed directly into your bloodstream after you eat, but it can't enter the cells of most of your tissues without the help of insulin — a hormone secreted by your pancreas.

Your pancreas is an organ located behind your stomach. When blood glucose levels rise, they signal cells, called beta cells, in your pancreas to release insulin. The insulin, in turn, unlocks your cells so that glucose can enter and also reduces glucose production by your liver. This lowers the amount of glucose in your bloodstream and prevents it from reaching dangerously high levels. As your blood sugar level returns to normal, so does the secretion of insulin from your pancreas.

When insulin is overproducedIf your pancreas produces and releases too much insulin into your blood, you have a condition called hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia isn't a disease; it's an indication of an underlying health problem. When your pancreas releases too much insulin into your bloodstream, even more glucose enters your cells, and your liver can't release glucose into your bloodstream. The result is low blood sugar. In someone without diabetes, the normal range for a fasting blood sugar level is between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). A low fasting blood sugar for someone without diabetes is defined as a level below 50 mg/dL.
Insulin also influences your liver, which plays a key role in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. After you eat, when insulin levels are elevated, your liver accepts extra sugar and stores it in the form of glycogen. Between meals as insulin levels come down, your liver breaks down glycogen (glycogenolysis) and releases glucose into your bloodstream, which keeps your blood sugar level within a narrow and normal range.

Insulin isn't the only factor in the very complex process by which your body attempts to maintain blood sugar in a normal range. Your blood sugar levels can become too low if your body's production of glucose is disrupted. Aside from your liver breaking down glycogen into glucose, your body also has the ability to manufacture glucose in a process called gluconeogenesis. This process occurs primarily in your liver, but also in your kidneys, and makes use of various substances that are precursors to glucose.

Possible causes, without diabetesThe list of possible specific causes of hypoglycemia in people without diabetes is lengthy. Causes include the following:

Mistaken use. Taking someone else's oral diabetes medication accidentally is a common cause of hypoglycemia.
Some medications. Aside from insulin and oral medications used to control diabetes, other medications may cause hypoglycemia, especially in children or in people with kidney failure. One of the most commonly used medications that may have this effect is quinine, which is used to treat leg cramps and malaria.

Alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption can block the process of glucose production, depleting your body's stores of glycogen. This usually only occurs if you haven't eaten and are drinking heavily.

Some critical illnesses. Severe illnesses of the liver, such as drug-induced hepatitis, can cause hypoglycemia because your liver is a key organ in glucose production. The kidney also is an important organ in glucose production, and conditions such as kidney failure affect glucose levels. Long-term starvation, as may occur in the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, can result in the depletion of substances your body needs in gluconeogenesis, causing hypoglycemia.

Excessive production of insulin. An excessively high blood insulin level (hyperinsulinemia) may be caused by a rare disorder of the beta cells in your pancreas, where insulin is released. One such disorder is a beta cell tumor, called insulinoma.

Endocrine deficiencies. Your endocrine system consists of glands that produce hormones that regulate processes throughout your body. They include the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries (in females) and testicles (in males). Certain disorders of the adrenal glands (Addison's disease) and the pituitary gland (hypopituitarism) can result in a deficiency of key hormones that regulate glucose production. Children with these disorders are more prone to hypoglycemia than are adults.

Other tumors (non-beta-cell tumors). Hypoglycemia may result from tumors other than a beta cell tumor of the pancreas. Some tumors don't cause an overproduction of insulin, but cause excessive utilization of glucose by the tumor or they result in an overproduction of insulin-like substances. Elevated levels of these substances cause hypoglycemia.

Most hypoglycemia occurs in a fasting state, but that's not always the case. Sometimes, hypoglycemia occurs after meals because the body produces more insulin than is needed. This type of hypoglycemia is called reactive or postprandial hypoglycemia.

Lepas checkup aku tapau nasi utk aku & mak yg kat rumah menjaga cucu.. bukan Alyaa.. coz Alyaa pepagi lagi dah tinggalkan kat umah babysitter dia.. petang nie aku amik dia naik keta yg aku park dpn umah mak..

Hmmm... aku suka check kat hospital kerajaan nie bukan apa.. pemeriksaannya menyeluruh.. dari segala segi.. free pulak tu.. bukan aku tak bleh pegi klinik berbayar.. company cover apa.. tapi kengkadang private clinic tatau apa yg dorang nak check.. kita kena bagitau pulak.. maklum ler segalanya berbayar.. tapi setakat nie aku masih juga prefer buat baby scanning dan yg lainnyer kat Klinik Metromedic Puchong.. coz.. doc dia dari klinik kerajaan juga.. ramah dan senang nak tanya itu ini.. medication fee kat sini pon jauh lebih murah dari klinik private yg lain..
Sabtu aritu kitorang tido umah papa.. selepas dikemas apa yg patut.. laki aku kena settlekan peta utk kad kawen adik ipar aku yg bakal menamatkan zaman anak daranya bulan 6 nie.. tak lama lagi tu.. hehe.. teringat zaman dulu.. time² cenggini kepala bebetul serabut & tension.. aku cukup faham perasaan bakal pengantin di ketika darah tgh manis nie.. (manis ker??)

Cadangnya laki aku nak cuci keta kitorang yg dah kalah keta tuttt... biler last cuci eak?? (Maklum ler duduk apartment.. mana ada tempat nak cuci..) tapi dia tak jadik lar pulak.. rancangan ditunda coz katanya dia lupa bawak span... lorrrr??? Alyaa dah semakin ramah ngan Atok & Tok Mak dia.. kalau dulu cepat nangis.. sekarang tersenyum malu biler diusik.. haha.. dia dah mula pandai bersosial.. Malamnya.. tgk reramai berkumpul dpn TV tgk konsert AF.. sekadar tgk.. aku tak ler minat sgt... walaupon camtu.. aku tgk.. dan dpt bandingkan.. peserta kali nie kurang menyengat.. bakat tak seberapa.. tapi camner bleh terpilih dlm intake.. ntah larrr... lantok p lar..

Ahad - Bangun awal jgk ler terkejut ngan diaper Alyaa yg basah... dia pon nangis tersedu².. minum byk sgt malamnyer.. abis ler terjadik kebasahan yg heavy metal.. diaper bocor.. aku mandikan dia terus.. then masuk bilik.. elok lepas dress up Alyaa.. tetiba pulak idung aku berhingus (cairan putih cam resdung tu ler pada sangka aku).. aku pon lap lar kat kain batik yg aku pakai.. sebab laju jer dia turun.. tak sempat nak capai tisu.. sekali aku tgk.. mak.. bukan ingus.. tapi darah... idung aku berdarah.. buat kesekian kalinyer setelah lama tak berdarah.. darah menyerbu² turun ke hidung... agak panik... laki aku pon terkedu.. aku dongakkan kepala.. darah turun ke kerongkong.. semacam rasanyer.. aku takut jer darah tak berhenti.. tapi.. Alhamdulillah.. tak lamer lepas tu.. darah pon berhenti... aku raser letih sgt.. & baring

Lepas sarapan aku kemas apa yg patut.. jaga sikenit yg tak reti duduk diam.. tgk Melodi.. makan tengah hari & bersiap utk balik.. cadangnya juga nak sunatkan Alyaa & scan baby.. tapi.. klinik laks tutup.. chesss.. ke Tesco lar kami kemudiannya.. beli itu dan ini utk kelengkapan rumah.. terbang ler beberaper RM... pastu singgah farmasi plaks.. beli krim berubat utk muka anak aku yg dah pandai beruam.. ikhsss.. abis muka dah kureng comey.. pening paler aku nak cari ubat yg sesuai utk elokkan balik muka anak aku cam sediakala.. selesai beli membeli.. kitorang singgah laks makan Laksa... Baunya yg menusuk kalbu menarik² kaki yg perutnya dah bagai digoncang² mintak diisi.. Sepanjang menjamu selera Putri Alyaa Safiah membuat bunyi²an yg agak membingitkan kalau mulut dia tak diisi ngan apa yg kitorang makan.. itu ler anak aku.. apa kitorang makan.. sumer dia nak... tapi aku suapkan telur jer kat dia.. heheh... yg lelain tu pedas maa.. takut plaks perut dia tak tahan nanti..

Abis makan kitorang terus blah.. kejar solat Asar di rumah.. Alyaa.. masuk jer keta.. pot-pet mulut kecik dia berbunyi.. then senyap.. spt biasa... dia dah tido... sampai umah... settlekan separuh laundry yg masih berbaki... laki aku yg buat coz dia dah janji sblm ke rumah papa... malamnya tak masak nasik pon.. makan bun hotdog ngan duthlady berperisa coklat yg aku beli kat Tesco tadi sambil tgk TV.. tak der rancangan menarik hati... siri Supernatural ditunda sbb tayang konsert Jom Heboh.. arrgghh bosan.. keletihan aku terus masuk tido...

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